The website includes the sites of the various other businesses and entities that are administratively supported by the state of Missouri. This site may include facts, views, opinions, or recommendations of individuals or organizations not affiliated with Film-Friendly Perryville (FFP) or the state of Missouri. FFP does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant, either expressly or implicitly, the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of facts, views, opinions, or recommendations on this website.
Missouri offers a transferable tax credit for motion media production in the state. There is a $16 million annual cap with $8 million designated for features and $8 million for series, which renews January 1st of each year. It is a 20% base credit, with a maximum of 42% if the production meets certain criteria.
We consider all requests for filming (movie, television, or commercial, etc.) or photography.
1. Permission.
Permission to film or photograph in Perryville is granted subject to certain conditions and use. Permission can be obtained only from the City of Perryville.
Please note that a Location Agreement must accompany all projects. Please also note that the City of Perryville reserves the absolute right to grant or deny permission to shoot and to determine the terms under which shooting will be permitted.
2. Location Fees.
Location fees are set by the City of Perryville depending upon a variety of factors, such as the nature and purpose of the project, its intended market, its potential promotional value to the City of Perryville, the potential disruption to residents and the extent to which the City of Perryville is required to support the project.
Please contact Trish at 573-517-2069 or via email at trish@perryvillemo.com to discuss all fees.
3. Advance Notice.
At least two weeks advance notice is requested whenever possible. While the City of Perryville will make every effort to accommodate LAST-MINUTE requests to shoot, requests with less than 24-hour notice will not necessarily be granted.
4. Scheduling.
Commercial filming is generally permitted not on busy streets during public events.
5. Impact on the Residents.
If at any time the production company’s activities threaten to disrupt the residents or experiences of its residents or pose a safety hazard to residents, the City of Perryville reserves the right to require the company to reschedule or halt its activities. As well, the company will be required to make any changes or to discontinue filming, if the City of Perryville determines that life is being endangered or the potential for damage exists.
6. Script Review.
The City of Perryville reserves the right to review scripts for all scenes involving the use of the name Perryville and its image.
7. Location Tours.
At this time, all shooting locations, access, and parking needs must be addressed and agreed upon. Location tours can be provided to the production company with advance notice by telephone.
Any behind-the-scenes shooting must be agreed upon during the location tour or prior to the shoot date. The size of the crew and the amount of equipment must be agreed upon prior to the tour date.
8. Lighting and Electrical Needs.
Power supplies are limited in certain areas. Power needs must be directed to the local utility department in advance of any shoot. This may be addressed at the time of the location tour.
Lighting restrictions may also apply to certain areas, but in most areas, additional lighting is allowed.
9. Set Construction.
Any sets brought or built on public property must be approved ahead of time. Nothing may be attached to walls, poles, or other structures without permission. If you bring it, take it with you.
10. Storage.
We regret that no storage of any kind can be provided by the City of Perryville.
11. Damages.
The production company is fully responsible for all damages occurring during its use of the City or Perryville and for paying for all repairs deemed necessary.
12. Insurance.
The production company must carry a general liability policy with limits of at least $1 million. Depending upon the circumstances, the production company may be required to obtain additional coverage, to name the City of Perryville as an additional insured, and to furnish a certificate of insurance.
13. Trademarks.
The City of Perryville’s name and its logo are trademarks owned by the City of Perryville. Permission is granted to use these trademarks in the final product without alteration.
14. Ownership.
Except as otherwise agreed, all film and photographs shot by the production company shall belong to it. The company shall provide a copy of the final product to the City of Perryville for archival purposes. The company shall grant the City of Perryville permission to use film trailers or images as a promotional upon release of the film.
15. Credit.
The production company will acknowledge the City of Perryville in its credit as in a customary manner. The City of Perryville makes no endorsement of the production company, its production, or any product featured therein.
16. Noise.
Please be aware we cannot guarantee a quiet filming environment. In addition, the use of load noise or load music will require advance notice to all residents and businesses that may be affected.